Ramblings of a Random Stone

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Thinking outside of the box (brain)

What 3 things that you regularly eat can you never eat for breakfast?

What do you call a person who does not have all his fingers on one hand?

3 switches outside a windowless room are connected to 3 light bulbs inside the room. How can you work out which switch is connected to which bulb if you may enter the room only once?

The day before yesterday, Brain was 15 years old. Next year, he’ll be18 years old. How is this possible?

What is the first thing you put on when you get up?

Can you jump as high as a house?

Which has more ears, one cat or no cat?

(as asked at the Youth Club Soul Purpose recently)

Answers please in the comment spots and I will check, promis ;-)